The Mannings School Song

[Played to the tune of “The Londonderry Air”] by (L. A. Prescod: Headmaster 1949‑1961)

Dear Manning’s School,

Our ancient light of learning,

In splendor shining over all the west,

For Thee Thy sons’ and daughters’ hearts are burning

With gladsome voice to tell they love Thee best


Westmoreland’s Hope, Jamaica’s march maintaining,

From days of yore Thou dost example set,

Thy sober task to teach without complaining,

And, God be praised, Thou hast not faltered yet.


Thy lessons these, to love the land around Thee,

To learn from lore of science how to till;

Harness the streams and waters that surround Thee,

To love the trees the herb upon the hills.


To play with zest, to fight with strength and spirit

Defend the right and evil to eschew

With might and main to hold what we inherit,

And for our sons to work for treasures new.


To lose with grace, with ne’er a frown or whimper

At referee’s ruling or at umpire’s word;

To show good taste and tact and keep our temper

To mind our talk nor gossip all we’ve heard


O School Of Ours, We Pledge Thee Our Devotion

O School Of Ours, Let This Be E’er Our Rule,

Where’er We Walk Or Sail On Land Or Ocean,

That We Remember Thee, Our Own Dear Manning’s School.